Lionfish have taken the East Coast by storm in the past few years. Lionfish pose a huge problem for fishermen because they virtually prey on the eggs of all fish. Also, the Lionfish can produce up to 30,000 eggs in 4 days and have no predators. The Florida Keys have taken action by hosting Lionfish killing tournaments with cash prizes to motivate citizens to kill Lionfish. It is also legal now to spear or harpoon any Lionfish. Lionfish are a huge threat to any community where fishing is a leading industry. They are also extremely poisonous. However, one good thing about them is that they make for good food which also gives people motivation to go out and kill some Lionfish.
This is an issue that we must pay attention to because Lionfish are quickly moving up the East Coast. If action is not taken, the New York economy will be affected. It is important that people go out and hunt down these vicious animals before they start to wipe out other types of fish and harm the economy.
This article was very well written and rich in information. I would’ve like if the author talked more about some hypothetical theories on how these fish which are not native to the East Coast got here. Last, I thought that this article was very informative and the attached video on the article was very nice because the reader gets to see a visual of the fish which are not as harmful as they look.
Florida Keys Declares Open Season on Invasive Lion Fish- for D. Guglielmo
Jack Deasy
In this article I thought that there were a few aspects well presented. I like how the author conveyed as to why they are hunted. He also told us how going out and hunting these animals is justified for a few reasons. I also like how he gave us a good summary of what the article is about. You really understand how the fish are affecting the economy. The reason is that you learn how they eat all the other fish’s eggs and don’t have any predators. Finally, I like how he relates this article back to how it can affect us.
This review could have been made better in a few ways. I think that he could have done a better job at explaining at what the fish looks like. He told us how it looks like an unharmful fish but gives us no chance to try and picture it. Finally I think he could have given us a bit more information regarding the article.
I was impressed at how just one fish could completely change the economy of fishing.
There were a few reasons why I thought that this article posted for Daniel Guglielmo was very impressive. First it was groundbreaking at least by our class blog’s standards in that it was based on an invasive species (the lionfish). I also liked how the post talked about the things that were being done to stop the spread of this species, in a very casual tone. Lastly I really enjoyed the link to the video that was on the original article and was thankful that it was part of the review. The first negative comment I have is how can the lionfish be considered food if it is poisonous or was that just supposed to mean poisonous to the environment by eating all the fish eggs. The second one I have is that I may be presumptuous but I do not believe that the New York economy holds a lot of stock in fishing, but hey, I might be wrong. I really enjoyed this review because it illustrated a potential issue that our area may have to face in the coming future.
1. This review effectively communicated the danger of the emergence of this fish in our area.
2. The author also explained well how this issue would affect our daily lives as it would deplete our fish resources.
3. This review also did an excellent job of explaining why the fish are so dangerous because of they're eating of other fishes' eggs.
1. The author could have improved their review if they had perhaps included more information from the video, not just commented that there was one.
2. In addition, the author could have also expanded more on how the lionfish would effect the economy just as it seems somewhat rash that a fish could affect the economy.
1. This article surprised me in that one species can have such a large effect, even wiping out other fish populations and diminishing some of our food resources.
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