Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Visor Might Protect Troops From Blasts

            This article is about how adding a visor to the helmets that soldiers wear in Iraq can greatly decrease the risk of having a head trauma. What they are saying is that if you put a visor on the helmet that they now wear today is meant to stop bullets and not prevent major head trauma. What they are saying is that if you put a visor on the front of the helmet it would deflect most of the energy of the blast.

            This affects many people in general. The reason is that with this new technology that they have discovered it can affect the people in the armed forces in a huge way. If they find a way in which they can reduce the amount of head trauma cause by these blasts many veterans would not have serious head injuries. Also, if they succeed with this they can help a lot of other sports prevent major head injuries.

            I think that this article could have gone more in depth as to how the visor would be a great improvement to the helmet. What I liked though is how they describe how it can be used to prevent head injuries in other sports. Finally, I thought they just did an overall good job at making sure that the reader did not get lost throughout the article and stayed interested.

Ehrenberg, Rachel. Visor might protect troops from blasts. N.p.: n.p., 2010. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. <http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/66322/title/Visor_might_protect__troops_from_blasts>.

1 comment:

acorbat said...

1. This review very clearly communicated the main idea of the article.
2. The author was clear on how the visor could help not just in the military but in sports as well.
3. In addition, the author effectively explained that despite a visor's simplicity it would

1. This review could have been improved the author elaborated more on the article and wasn't as succinct.
2. The review could also have been improved if the author went into more detail as to how the visors would help, not just that they would.

1. I was impressed that such a small addition like a visor could make such a difference in preventing or lessening head traumas.