Tuesday, November 9, 2010

“Phenomenal Fabric: How Can a Cloth Clean up Toxic Waste?”

In “Phenomenal Fabric: How Can a Cloth Clean up Toxic Waste?”, the article discusses the ability of this new material and its various possible uses. This cloth is made up of activated carbon and is able to filter out and destroy toxic materials even of minute proportions. The cloth was invented at Abertay University. The reason the cloth is able to filter out such small toxic materials is that the cloth is composed of extremely reactive chemicals called hydroxyl radicals. Since the hydroxyl radicals are so reactive any toxic material that comes into contact with the cloth is immediately bonded with it. In addition to its extreme usefulness the material is cheap. It can be used in small amounts like in hospitals or even on an industrial scale like filtering chemicals in water. The high reactivity of the material allows it to filter out toxins in extremely low concentrations. It can remove pollutants from the air, gas, or liquid. Researchers explored other forms of activated carbon such as in a powder form but still found cloth to be the most effective. The cloth can essentially decompose of the toxins by first absorbing them into the surface where they then react with one layer and are eventually converted into smaller molecules sometimes carbon dioxide or water. The research on this cloth began in the 1980s to help create a material to protect soldiers from chemical attacks. This material can have endless uses and help create a safer and cleaner environment for all.

This article is significant due to the versatility of this new material. It can be applied to small-scale tasks at home or filtering entire water systems. In addition it can be used in hospitals or to protect soldiers, as the material was originally planned for. The article did an excellent job of explaining how the material works as well as explaining its possible potential. The material is so important because of its diversity.

I thoroughly enjoyed the article because it explained well how the material worked without going into too much detail. It clearly revealed the possible success and importance of this cloth. I enjoyed the article and was interested in how a cloth can be so complex.


Jack Deasy said...

Jack Deasy

I believe that this summary of the article was well presented. I thought that Alison did a good job at explaining to us how this cloth got rid of the toxic material. She also did a very good job at explaining its uses. She told us what it could be used for and who it could be used for. Alison also explained who they could be used for. Finally I liked how she explained its significance. I believe she did a great job there.
I think that there are a few ways in which she could have improved this article. When she explained how the material was used to “catch” the toxins I think that she could have done a better job. I think that she could have elaborated and showed how that could be done. Also, she didn’t really explain how the cloth was discovered.
I was very impressed with the uses and ability that this cloth has. I would have never thought that a cloth could have this ability and effect us in so many ways.

Austin Engros said...

1. She had great details about why the cloth is so good for us to use and explained that it is very economical.
2. She gave a solid detailed explaination about how the fabric works and how it can preform these great tasks and clean up toxic waste.
3. She did a good job keeping her summary compact and to the point rather than going off and making the concept of the cloth too complicated. She kept it short and easy to understand.

1. She could have gone into more detail how this cloth was discovered and how its functions were firts figured out.
2. She also could have gone into a discussion about what this new found cloth can do for us in the future and how it might dramatically help our lives.

1. One thing that impressed me was the whole idea of the cloth to begin with. It seems crazy that such a cloth could exist and it sparked my intrest.

Henry Palermo said...

As far as reviews go this was a pretty good one. The article was interesting because the majority of reviews on the blog pertain to the issues not the solutions. This was different in that sense because it picked up a solution. The other unique characteristic of this review was how alien the solution seems. Good golly I never would’ve thought a cloth could do all those sorts of things! Finally, I liked how concise the review was especially in describing a fairly complicated process. I do, however, have some reservations concerning this review. I would’ve liked to learn more about the ways this could really help out the country and world in a time when toxic chemicals from bpa to any other number of things roam around us. I also would’ve liked to learn more about the conception and development of the cloth. I thought this article was interesting because it was a very innovative and seemingly outlandish new technology that could become an every day tool.

Claudia Nagy said...

The review was clear, well written and very informative. All of the information was well explained with few linguistic errors, as so anyone could understand the science and uses behind this advancement. The review clearly stated how the cloth is highly reactive and can capture even the most minute traces of chemicals while later converting them into harmless substances. The review additionally mentioned the diverse uses of the cloth, such as protection against chemical warfare, household cleaning, or more industrial uses such as filtering water.
To improve the article I would have either included more scientific details or alluded to the future of this new product. Though there the science was explained, more detail could have improved comprehension in readers. Additionally, it would have been preferable to know when this product will be available if ever for mass consumption.
I was pleasantly surprised to discover such a material existed. Such an economical and useful material could eventually help protect and conserve our planet in the future, proving science may be what saves humans as their destructive behavior jeopardizes the planet.

Andrew R. said...

At the University of Abertay Dundee, the science team has discovered that an activated carbon cloth can be used to create unstable chemicals called hydroxyl radicals. Hydroxyl radicals are so unstable they react instantly with pollutants. These inexpensive cloths could be used on either a small or a large scale to kill waste, bacteria, and pollutants. I thought it was interesting that this material’s existence had been known since the 1980s, but no one had thought of using this product outside of the war since that time. I also found the possible cleaning uses important to know, as this sheet could become a major cleaning product. The process of how the sheet decomposes the pollutants was original, because this cloth could be used as a way to experiment with new cleaning products.

The review of this article contained some problems. I felt that the description of how this article was significant was rather short and it was unclear how this cloth could be useful or important. I would have liked more details on this subject from the review. I also would have liked to know more about why the hydroxyl radicals were so reactive, as this would have been useful in understanding the process of the decomposition of pollutants. A few more scientific details would have made this review more relevant.

This article is potentially important, because if we used this cloth, it could make everyone’s daily lives easier by reducing the amount of cleaning needed. It could also be good for the planet if everyone used this, because it could reduce the release of waste into the atmosphere. I enjoyed this review, and hope to learn more about the future of this cloth.

Emily Kimak said...

This review was very well done. It clearly explained and discussed what the article was about. I really enjoyed how she talked about what else it could be used for. She also included background information on the cloth when she said that research began being done on it in the 1980s. Her argument that the material will create a better environment was very believable.
This article review could have been improved by going into more detail about a couple specific things. For instance, I would have liked to know more about how the cloth was used to protect soldiers. She could have also looked more into the future of this material.
From this article review, I learned many things. The most interesting thing to me was that people were able to think of this material in the first place. I can’t believe one cloth is able to protect people from so many different things.