Friday, September 21, 2012

Atomic bond types discernible in single-molecule images

            New Developments at IBM in Zurich, Switzerland have enabled researchers to take detailed single-molecule images. The multinational team used a variation of Atomic Force Microscopy to produce the first single-molecule images in 2009, however the new advancements make the so clear that the types of atomic bonds are visible. Atomic Force Microscopy, commonly known as AFM, uses a tiny tip to measure the contours of a surface. Unlike the traditional electron microscope which only outputs a two dimensional image, AFM is capable of producing 3-D images with greater clarity.
            The new imaging opens up research in microchip technology and uses for graphene. Graphene is a material that is only one atom thick. The carbon atoms that hold graphene together are arranged in a honeycomb crystal lattice. With further research, graphene can be used to replace the traditional silicon semiconductor and create faster and smaller processors, circuits, and ultracapacitors.
            I thought this article was well written and very informative. The author did a good job at explaining how the new technology works and at providing insight to the research. 

posted for R. Herrera 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Color this Chimp Amazing

                In this article, it is explained how Japanese scientists observed the abilities of a chimp’s memory. Ayuki, who seems like just another chimp was able to click the numbers one to nine in the correct order as they appeared on a computer screen in random places for but a split second, after which they transformed into white squares.

                The head scientist, Tetsuro Matsuzawa has said that so far, no human has topped the chimp. However, Matsuzawa also proposed that it was possible that human beings lost their extreme memory abilities as they learned languages and learned to reason. David Eagleman of Baylor college has talked about a brain condition called “synesthesia,” which when the brain relates colors with certain figures, for example letter and numbers. Another scientist, Nicholas Humphrey also proposed that if the monkey did actually perceive the numbers in colors, when the squares appeared the color would have an after-affect. In addition, Nocholas has said that if the chimp does remember the numbers by colors, it has nothing to do with Ayuki’s memory capabilities. Humphrey challenges the experiment by saying that if the colors of the squares were to be different, then Ayuki would instantly be thrown off.

               I thought that this article was very well written, since it included the opinions of many different scientists, it had thorough explanations to why things are as they are and last but not least, the article was not one-sided and had explained all theories very well. Even though scientists have talked about theories that the colors helped the chimp memorize the order of numbers, I think it would be just as easy for Ayuki to recognize the digits as they appeared on the screen. All in all, I found this research very interesting.

Laura Sanders July 28th, 2012; Vol.182 #2 (p. 9)

Link to article:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Far From ‘Junk,’ DNA Dark Matter Proves Crucial to Health

This article describes a new “road map” of the DNA strand that was recently discovered. This previously dismissed bit of DNA plays an essential role in controlling the behavior of cells, tissues and even organs. This finding is important to the well being of humans, caused by the tiny gene switches. The “junk” part of the DNA, which does not contain actual genes containing instructions for proteins, was discovered to have a complex system that controls the genes. This structure showed scientists that every little thing can change how tall you are, how immune to disease you are and even help discover what can cause and stop cancer. The cancer part of this research is by far the most important because of the amount of people currently struggling in dealing with the many diagnoses.  The new “map” is helping doctors find more efficient ways to stop the cancerous cells by providing information as to where it is needed.
     This affects human life mainly in the cancer research department. Scientists have been struggling to find cures to cancer, and until now, there have been a number of cancer types that could not be stopped as easily. With the help of this DNA research, drugs can be improved and put into the locations that best suit that person’s diagnosis.
     I thought this article was very well written because of how easy it was to follow what they were talking about. When reading about a science topic that one is not familiar with, it is sometimes hard to understand what it being discussed. But in this article, the information is comprehendible by readers whom don not necessarily have a lot of knowledge about a topic like DNA.
Kolata, Gina. "Far From ‘Junk,’ DNA Dark Matter Proves Crucial to Health." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 Sept. 2012. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. .

Posted for G. Diaz

Martian Clays Were Not All Formed by the Action of Liquid Water


The Mars missions of 2005 brought light to many questions we had about the red planet. Most notably they gave scientists proof of water on Mars. Scientists believed that clay found in Mars’s southern hemisphere was formed by the action of liquid water. However a French-US team of scientists proved the clay came from magmatic/volcanic origins.


Similarities between these Martian clays and clays of volcanic origin collected on the Mururoa Atoll, a coral island near in the Pacific Ocean, support this hypothesis. Scientists compared basalts from Mururoa Atoll (French Polynesia) to Martian clay. These basalts are composed of crystals which contain small spaces filled with a finely-crystallized material called mesostasis. The mesostasis contains ferro-magnesian clays, similar to the clays found on Mars. Researchers have discovered these clays formed from residual water-rich magmatic liquids trapped in the empty spaces between the crystals. When the magma cooled, the contents in the lingering fluid precipitated, thus forming a variety of minerals including the clays on Mars. In order for this process to have occurred, high water and chlorine contents in the magma would have been needed to create so much clay. Mars was covered by magma shortly after its formation, therefore allowing this clay making process possible. The major evidence that ties the Martian and Mururoa clay together is that the infrared spectrum of the Martian clays is identical to that of the Mururoa Atoll clays.


The conclusion over the clay does not mean that liquid water was never present on Mars. Evidence of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water have been found on Mars, which could have supported life. The clay dates back 4 to 4.5 billion years, while these lakes are around 3 billon years old. 4 billion years ago is believed to be the most favorable time for life to have started on Mars. In the greater scheme of things, this means that Mars could have supported life for less time than previously believed.


This article was very informative. I had been aware that there were lakes and river beds on Mars, but I did not know that clay was previously seen as evidence for water/ life on Mars. Over all, the article was pretty easy to understand.

Meunier, Alain, Sabine Petit, Bethany Ehlmann, Patrick Dudoignon, Frances Westall, Antoine Mas, Abderrazak El Albani, and Eric Ferrage. "Martian Clays Were Not All Formed by the Action of Liquid Water." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 Sept. 2012. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <>.